Extra protection from getting HIV
You might consider using PrEP (short for pre-exposure prophylaxis) in the case that you do not have a condom at hand or want to have an extra protection from HIV. PrEP is a pill you take daily or around sex. It can lower the risk of getting HIV by over 90%. The pill is meant for people who do not have HIV, but who are at a higher risk of becoming infected.
The number of new HIV infections in the Netherlands has remained stable in recent years. To further reduce the number of new HIV infections, new methods such as PrEP are needed.
PrEP is an addition to existing prevention strategies like condoms. By using PrEP you are in charge of you own protection without depending on others. To lower the number of new HIV infections, the national government has implemented the Dutch National PrEP Program.
The program is intended for men who have sex with men and transgender people who are at risk for HIV. You are at risk for HIV if you have (had) anal sex without a condom with someone who is unaware of their HIV status or is not being treated for HIV.
Find more information about PrEP here.
AMPrEP Study
In 2015 the GGD Amsterdam started a research project on the application of PrEP as a HIV prevention method. The AMPrEP (Amsterdam PrEP) project.
The purpose of the project was to see how many people would want to use PrEP, the adherence to PrEP, and how the use of PrEP is experienced and what influence it has on condom use. It was the first PrEP research project in the Netherlands and the first time worldwide that the use of daily vs. event driven PrEP was looked at.
Find more information about this research project here.